De Vor Dairy Farm & Creamery

Cow Cuddling

Feel like you need a break from the everyday stresses of life? Do you just want something different and fun to do? This is exactly what you need! Schedule a day and time to enjoy petting, playing with and cuddling our Jersey Cows and Calves.

De Vor Dairy Farm & Creamery - Jersey Calf Cuddling

Ready to get your cuddles?

Make Your Reservation

NOTE: We are actively seeking out the best appointment management software to handle all of your scheduling needs. Meanwhile, please call us at (810) 882-1128 so we can book a time for you and your loved ones to spend some quality time cuddling with our cows.  They can’t wait to meet you.

Please accept our apologies as we grow and adjust to the high demand for loving from our ladies.

Also, please understand that we may have to cancel a booking entirely in the case of severe weather, either from thurnderstorms or extreme heat. Rest assured we will refund your reservation fee under these circumstances.

Enjoy petting them, feeding them some of their favorite food or treats, bottle feeding a new baby calf, or just watch our cows graze in one of our beautiful pastures.

They may nuzzle up to you, lick your hand, moo with you, dance around, just hang out with you or initiate play! Our girls are very curious, friendly, and always entertaining.